Here to Stay?
Identity, citizenship and belonging
among settled Eastern European migrant
children and young people in the UK
Border Crossings: Implications for a civil society in a dis-United Kingdom

, 18/05/2017
Pearce Institute for Peace, Govan, Glasgow
Migrant Youth Stock Image

Today, we presented emerging findings from our survey for young people from Central and Eastern Europe living in the UK at a seminar organised by the Voluntary Sector Studies Network.

The timing of this seminar, called Border Crossings: Implications for Civil Society in a ‘Dis’-United Kingdom, could not be better. Sandwiched between the local council and Westminster elections and within the broader context of Brexit, this seminar focuses on the implications on the third sector of the changing political and societal relationships within the UK, and between the UK and Europe. our presentation, we addressed the issue of identity, belonging and worries young people have over Brexit. We also shared some early figures on young people’s rates of volunteering.

You can read more about the event on the VSSN website:


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